The annual Tuition Fee depends on the grade level and is set out in the tuition payment schedule above.
The amount to be paid for one year of tuition:
Please note that both USD and KRW payments are required to complete the tuition payment process.

Other Fees

Early Fee Payment & Returning Student Fee Policies
- Tuition fees can either be paid in full or in installments. There is a 2% discount for lump-sum payment by April 17, 2024.
- 납부 방식은 일년치 일시납과 학기별로 분할 납부가 가능하며, 2024년 4월 17일까지 일시납을 하실 경우 2%가 할인됩니다.
- All 1st Semester tuition and fees for returning students must be paid by May 8, 2024 to secure a seat, confirm registration, and schedule classes.
All 2nd Semester tuition and fees must be paid by November 13, 2024 to secure a seat, confirm registration, and schedule classes.
- Students admitted to GSIS before or during summer vacation prior to the beginning of the new school year are required to pay tuition and fees within the first week of acceptance.
A student admitted to GSIS after the new school year has begun is required to pay tuition and fees prior to the first day of attending class.
- Late fees will apply for the payments made after the established due dates.
Late fees will be calculated according to the following guidelines:
- 1-30 business days late: 6% fee
- 31-60 business days late: 8% fee
- 60+ business days late: 10% fee
- Returning students are exempt from payment of the entrance fee.
All other fees are applicable to returning students as well as new students. 재입학의 경우에는 Entrance Fee를 내지 않습니다. - 자세한 재입학 및 중간 학기 입학생에 대한 수업료, 통학 차량 비용 청구 등 규정에 대한 사항은 입학과로 문의 주시기 바랍니다.
- GSIS offer a sibling discount(20%) to those who currently enrolled in the School.
- 본교에 2자녀 이상 재학하고 있는 가정에 대하여 형제/자매 중 나이 순에 의해 둘째 자녀부터 20% 의 할인 혜택을 부여합니다.
How To Pay(Bank Informaiton)
For Korean Won : By wire to : Hana Bank(Yeongtong Branch)
Swift Code : KOEXKRSE
Account Name : 경기수원외국인학교(GSIS)
Account No : 385-890008-21404
For U.S Dollars : By wire transfer to : Hana Bank(Yeongtong Branch)
Swift Code : KOEXKRSE
Account Name : GSIS
Account No : 385-890008-97838
Please Note : Please confirm that the beneficiary's name is the same as your student's when making the bank transfer.
Late Admissions & Withdrawal Refund Guide
Late admissions
1st Semester 2nd Semester Discount August January 0% of Semester Tuition September February 20% of Semester Tuition October March 40% of Semester Tuition November April 60% of Semester Tuition December May 80% of Semester Tuition
Early withdrawal
Early Withdrawal Processing Fees Annual (Semester)Elementary (Grades JK-5) KRW 1,000,000 (500,000)Lower Secondary (Grades 6-8) KRW 2,000,000 (1,000,000)Upper Secondary (Grades 9-12) KRW 3,000,000 (1,500,000)