
Primary Years Program
From Pre-K through Grade 5, the PYP challenges our students to think carefully, and develop globally minded perspectives on a broad range of issues.
The curriculum is developed and revised based on the latest research related to brain development and how children learn.
Our PYP pedagogy is embedded in best practices for teaching young children, following an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary, and holistic approach to learning.

Our IB Primary Years Program (PYP)
The PYP is designed for students aged 3 to 12. It focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside. It is a framework guided by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, explored using knowledge and skills derived from six subjects areas, as well as transdisciplinary skills, with a powerful emphasis on inquiry. provides the best preparation for students to engage in the IB Middle Years Program.
The backbone to this program is the IB Mission Statement, which has been stated in simple terms through the IB Learner Profiles. As you can see below, the Learner Profiles list characteristics that all parents and teachers would hope to see in their children. It is our belief that teachers foster the understanding of these qualities and characteristics through inquiry-based approaches to learning. Teachers cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity in their students, in order to promote lifelong learning, growth, respect for others and intercultural understanding.
Inquirers / Thinkers / Communicators / Courageous / Knowledgeable / Caring / Principled / Reflective / Balanced / Open-Minded
We use an inquiry-based approach where our teaching methods build upon individual understandings, knowledge, and interests, emphasizing how to learn and how to delve deeper while developing critical thinking skills. The units of inquiry make up the program of inquiry and are developed under the IB's transdisciplinary themes, making learning for understanding more effective.