


Middle Years Program

At GSIS, students are at the center of learning. They are  encouraged to make practical connections with their studies and the real world. Our students are taught and inspired to become global citizens with the understanding of other cultures. They communicate in more than one language, work independently or collaboratively in a team, think critically and make informed choices. They strive to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective by participating in many curricular and cocurricular activities. They are actively engaged with the community at large through the Service as Action program.


Course overview

MYP program is a five-year program from  Grade-6 (MYP1) to Grade-10(MYP 5). MYP curriculum framework provides a foundation for success in further education and world beyond the classroom.

Leadership team

  1. English - Language and Literature and Language Acquisition
  2. Korean - Language and Literature and Language Acquisition
  3. Japanese - Language and Literature
  4. Mandarin - Language Acquisition
  5. Spanish - Language Acquisition

Model of Lungs” - IDU MYP 3 (Design and Science)

Students work on Statement of Inquiry: “Applying the concepts of form and function allows people to develop models and communicate the consequences of different factors affecting human health” and build a model of lungs with one healthy and one deceased lung.

“Building Magnetic Train”

- MYP1-IDU (Design and Science)

“Poetry Cafe”

(English and Individuals & Societies)

Service As Action

Service as Action is a required component of the IB MYP. Service as Action builds upon learning in the classroom and helps students define needs within the community. Working through the design cycle, students develop a sense of social responsibility and focus on improving skills that will enable them to make effective contributions to their local and global environment.

GSIS values service with others as an important way to engage in principled action across a range of overlapping local and global communities. Our students actively participate in the Service as Action program by offering many activities and clubs.

IB identifies 7 learning outcomes an MYP student should develop through engaging with service as action:

  • become more aware of their own strengths and areas for growth
  • undertake challenges that develop new skills
  • discuss, evaluate and plan student-initiated activities
  • persevere in action
  • work collaboratively with others
  • develop international-mindedness through global engagement, multilingualism and intercultural understanding
  • consider the ethical implications of their actions

These learning outcomes align with developing the IB learner profile attributes and approaches to learning (ATL) skills.

Personal Project

Personal Project is an Integral part of the MYP Program. It provides students the opportunity to strengthen their learning and develop important skills they’ll need in both further education and life beyond the classroom.

At GSIS, all the MYP 5 students complete a long-term project through which they:
  • investigate individual interests and pursue personal passions
  • develop and apply specific approaches to learning (ATL) skills
  • explore their work as part of a meaningful global context

Students investigate, plan, take action and reflect on their learning through the personal project.

Each student is assigned a supervisor teacher, who will guide the student through the entire process and assess the project.

In the month of March, students present their personal project and talk about their passion during the personal project exhibition.

Interdisciplinary Unit

The purpose of Interdisciplinary Units (IDUs) in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP) is to provide a holistic and real-world learning experience for students. Through IDUs, students can explore complex ideas and issues by connecting multiple subjects and disciplines, and apply their learning to solve real-world problems. The benefits of IDUs include the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, increased engagement and motivation, and the opportunity to make connections between different subjects and the world outside of the classroom.

IDUs are a valuable part of the GSIS MYP curriculum. In grades 6-10, GSIS students participate in one IDU each school year. For example, in grade 8, students complete an IDU that involves combining their learning in Science and Design classes to create a laser-cut model of human lungs in order to better understand and communicate about respiratory diseases. In grade 10, students explore the theme of “Art as Activism” through an IDU combining their Individuals & Societies (I&S) and English classes; during this IDU, students learn how self-expression can empower activists to challenge perspectives and create change, and they apply this knowledge to create original artworks (e.g., poems, paintings, song lyrics, political cartoons, sculptures, etc.) that express their perspectives on a social movement they researched in I&S with the goal of communicating an impactful message for a specific audience. Ultimately, IDUs are relevant, rewarding, and memorable experiences that bring learning to life at GSIS.