School Bus Service

GSIS school buses provide extensive service to Seoul, Bundang, Pangyo, Suji, Yongin, Gwanggyo, Dongtan, Osan and Pyeongtaek, including Suwon.

All of our drivers have been working for our school for at least 10 years and are committed to ensuring that your children get to school safely. In accordance with government guidelines, our bused for elementary school students are always accompanied by a monitors to ensure a safe and comfortable ride.

You can be sure that our fleet of buses will transport your child to and from school in a timely and safe manner. Any inquiries about the school bus services, please contact our General Affairs team.
Please be sure to check the bus route if you need a bus 
during the admissions process.

If you are a new student and want to use the school bus, be sure to check the address of your current residence/planned residence/residence of the place you are moving to, etc. and the route provided on the school website. If you request a meeting later, we will provide detailed information.

If you are considering taking the bus when visiting the school during the admission process, please consult with us about the bus.

Bus request process(버스 신청 절차) :

1. Please check the route map below provided on the school website.

2. Please check boarding availability compared to the area you currently live in.

3. If you plan to visit the school, please ensure to arrange a meeting with the GA team during the admission process to receive guidance on bus boarding procedures.
-During school tour
-During entrance examination or interview

We provide transportation for day students that have paid the bus fees in advance.

Our students reside in multiple locations in and around Suwon and Seoul. Unfortunately, requests for pick-up locations outside the predetermined stops cannot be accommodated.

Parents who wish their child to use the school bus must identify the most convenient bus stop before contacting the transportation department. Please see the above attachment for your location. For security purposes, the pick-up and drop off times have been omitted.

GSIS is committed to providing safe and secure transportation for all our students as much comfort and convenience as reasonably possible.

Please abide by the following guidelines to ensure quality service from the GSIS transportation department.

All students/Parents are required to follow the below school bus policy.

1. Without proper notice or parental consent, the student will be required to take their assigned bus. A student must sit in his/her designated seat belt must be worn at all times.

2. Students are asked to be at their designated location for pick-up.

3. Students are asked to be a few minutes early or on time at the designated bus stop.

  • Buses cannot wait for late students as it affects other students who are at different locations.
  • Students who miss the bus should find alternative transportation to school.

4. If you know last minute your child will NOT be taking the bus, please notify the bus driver/School Bus monitors immediately.

5. If a student wishes to take a bus other than the one they are assigned, a note from the parent must be received by GSIS in advance.

  • Parents may send a note with their child to be given to the driver or they may call and inform their division contact.
    (Elementary School Office: 031-695-2814, Secondary School Office: 031-695-2806, 2919)
  • Without proper notice or parental consent, the student will be required to take their assigned bus.

6. For safety and security reasons, passengers on all school buses are videotaped while the bus is in operation. GSIS is not responsible for the loss of any personal items left on the school bus.

7. Requests for friends to accompany your child on the bus should be arranged by the parent of the guest and is subject to seat availability.

Please understand that we cannot offer bus coverage for all areas. The buses available to go home at 3:20 PM cannot return to school until 4:40 PM, so the available buses are limited. Therefore, it only operates if there are more than 2 applicants in some areas.

If you'd like to take the 4:45 PM and 5:30 PM bus, you must make late bus request form by 12:00 PM. Students staying late at school must be involved with an activity, club, or studying in the library.

4:45 PM - Throughout the school year, except for a few weeks when there are no Elementary after-school activities.

  • -DongSuwon-Kyangkyo
  • -Bundang-Seopankyo
  • -Yeongtong-Dongtan

(No Service Area : Seoul, Pyeongtaek, Anyang, Osan,SeoSuwon)

5:30pm - Throughout the school year

  • -Suji-Seoul
  • -Dongtan-Pyeongtaek(Dongchangri)
  • -Bundang-SeoPyankyo

(No Service Area : Anyang, Osan, SeoSuwon)

Please find detailed bus information at Late bus sign up below.

방과 후 활동 버스는 하교 버스 운행 3:20 이후 4:40분과 5:30분까지 다시 학교로 복귀 가능한 버스 중에서 일부 지역 만을 운행하게 됨을 이해해 주시기 바랍니다.

General Affairs 총무팀
+82 (0)31 695 2800