Considering the educational journey of your child is one of the most important parental roles.
Determining how you want your child to relate to learning, the experiences you wish your child to have, and the pathways of opportunity you want open to your child, are all important considerations.
It is the honor of the GSIS Admissions team to support your learning about our school and to help you discover the educational values & goals we share with you. A good place to begin your journey is by exploring our social media, and attending a school tour. Therefore, we also strongly encourage you to visit our campus and see our students and teachers in action.
We look forward to hearing from you and to learning about your child and family!
Start your admissions Journey!
"Thank you for considering GSIS! We're confident you'll love our school as much as we do. Come see for yourself what makes GSIS so special"
Inquiry Regarding Admission for the 2025-2026 SY (2025년 8월 입학 문의 안내)
Gather necessary documents and download forms (language survey, reference forms, medical form, etc) to fill out.
Apply Online with scanned copies of the completed forms.
필수 입학 서류 준비 및 온라인 지원서 작성 제출
완성된 양식을 스캔 사본으로 온라인 신청 접수
Step 2
The school will review the submitted documents and may ask for supplemental documents as needed.
Test/Interview only available after all documents are submitted.
학교는 제출된 서류를 검토하고 필요에 따라 보충 서류를 요청 할 수 있습니다.
모든 필수 서류를 제출해야만 시험/인터뷰가 진행됩니다.
Step 3
Pay the application processing fee
입학 지원 서류 전형 비용 지불
Step 4
The admissions office will arrange an entrance test and/or interview. If you would like to take the test from overseas, please ask the admissions officer to send the test paper through FedEx.
Admissions Office 에서 입학 시험 및 면접을 조정해 드립니다. 해외에서 시험을 봐야 할 경우, 입학 담당자에게 FedEx를 통해 시험지를 보내 달라고 요청 할 수 있습니다.
If you are considering your child's school bus transportation, we highly recommend confirming the route with the bus coordinator from the administration department when visiting the school for tests or tours. Even if the address is not yet confirmed or if a move is planned, it is important to communicate in advance.
자녀의 스쿨버스 탑승을 고려하고 계시다면, 시험이나 투어를 위해 학교를 방문할 때 총무부서의 버스 코디네이터와 반드시 노선을 확인하시기를 권장합니다. 주소지가 미확정이거나 이사 예정이라 하더라도 사전에 소통하시는 것이 중요합니다. Click : Transportation
Step 5
The school will review entrance test / interview results and may ask for additional EAL or other English acquisition tests.
학교에서는 입학 시험/면접 결과를 검토하고 추가 EAL 또는 기타 영어 습득 시험을 요청할 수 있습니다.
Step 6
The principals and teachers will make a decision on admissions and acceptance/rejection letters will be sent by the admissions office.
교장과 교사가 입학 결정을 내리며, 입학과에서 합격/불합격 통지서를 발송합니다.
Step 7
Pay the tuition based on the invoice sent within a week to save your spot.
입학 자리를 확보하려면 일주일 이내에 발송된 청구서를 기준으로 수업료를 지불해야 합니다.
Step 8
The student joins New Student Orientation.
신규 입학생 오리엔테이션 진행
Prepare Required Documents
Checklist of required submission documents
Type image caption here (optional)
필수 제출 서류 점검 목록표
Detailed Instructions for Required Documents(필수 서류 세부 지침)
1. APPLICATION FORM A completed online application is required for application to GSIS.
To be eligible for the selection process, your child must have lived outside the country of Korea for more than 3years (1095 days)/Official report cards/transcripts showing completion of six semesters from school(s) abroad or one of parents must be a foreign national.
School records for the last three years i.e. report cards, (high school students must provide official transcripts), standardized test scores, any psychological testing results, and any report of special services received. (Notarized translations of grades and reports required if coming from a non-English school)
4. RECOMMENDATION LETTERS Three recommendation letters from previous school. (1 letter for Elementary and 3 letters for Secondary school)
5. ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE OF CURRENT SCHOOL Enrollment certificate has to be sent directly from the current school to us or sealed in an envelope.
6. LANGUAGE SURVEY Language survey form can be downloaded from our website.
7. A LETTER OF SELF-INTRODUCTION Self-introduction should be handwritten in 1,000 to 1,500 words. This is optional for Pre-K and Grade 1 applicants.
8. HEALTH HISTORY RECORD A completed GSIS health form that includes: health information, a comprehensive physical examination, record of immunization, and evidence of a negative tuberculosis screening . No student may start classes without these documents on file at GSIS.
9. PASSPORT & FOREIGN REGISTRATION CARD A copy of your child’s and your passports, and foreign registration cards if applicable.
10. INDIVIDUAL SCREENING Some school candidates may be required to have an individual screening and interview with a principal, a counselor and/or resource teacher. The school reserves the right to request additional diagnostic testing or a full evaluation before a decision is made for any student Pre-K through grade 12.
11. APPLICATION FEE Payment of ₩300,000 nonrefundable application fee. This fee must be paid and the receipt must be submitted with application form.
예금주 Gyeonggi Suwon International School | 경기수원외국인학교
은행명 KEB Hana Bank | 하나은행
계좌번호 Account No. 385-890008-21404
12. SPONSORING ORGANIZATION PAYMENT If fees and/or tuition will be paid by a sponsoring organization, the school might requires written documentation from the organization.